Using The Wish

Alex had marked his teleportation location in the endless forest near [Nova], the capital city of the White Flame Empire because it was the best place on the whole continent.

After getting teleported to the Human Continent, Alex equipped his epic cloak and used the Invisibility skill because the teleportation area was a Rank four beast Zone, and without the invisibility, he would be dead in no time.

Alex, two shadow guardians, would only help him if he was in a situation with serious consequences or if he asked them to help him, which he didn't plan to do unless the situation was terrible.

Alex was happy with his shadow guardian's decision because he understood that his being an immortal adventurer would have no meaning if they rescued him from every danger.

After reaching the city, Alex rented a luxury room for a few months in the best available hotel, and now he was lying on the bed while being a little anxious and excited about the future.