Semi-Complete Artifact

Alex took the ring and scanned all the records in it with the help of the system to organize and translate all the information.

There was a lot of information, but most of it was useless to Alex, as 60% of it was about a sub-ability of Refinement called {Bloodline Refinement}, and its results on hundreds of Beastmens and their gains in great detail.

The remaining 35% of information was about a sub-ability called {Selective Refinement} as its name implied it could be used to refine a selective part of a much larger thing.

But All of the information on {Selective Refinement} was related to Beastmen Bloodline and their results.

The remaining 5% of information was about the other abilities of Ancient Artifact, which was the most useful information to Alex, and he silently spent the next ten minutes checking it.

'This information is incomplete, and most of it is useless, but at least now I know what ability I need to unlock that could hopefully cure the Devourer Curse.' Alex thought.