Planned Lucky Shot

'I need to cancel the Tenacity skill if I want to keep the miasma field active for a few more seconds.' Alex thought and immediately canceled the mana-hungry skill.

'This should be enough to keep the miasma field active for thirty seconds.' Alex thought, looking at his mana.

MP: 8850/37550

'I have thirty seconds or less to kill Grimras.' Alex thought as he sprinted toward the Grimras, whose bleeding completely stopped, and looked at him with eyes filled with rage.


The female panther roared toward Alex as she shot a shadow spear at him while making distance afraid of the miasma field.

Alex parried the shadow spear and sprinted toward Grimras, who had yet to move from his position as he stood like a statue but seeing his enemy coming at him, he roared as his shadow started to cover his body.