Difference in Ranks

'I can't kill the Lich in time to cancel the Death Knight summon.' Alex thought, his brain gear tuning non-stop to think of a way to save his life.

Alex knew if he fought the death knight, his death would be guaranteed even with his boosted strength, and even if he used the upgraded Tenacity skill, it won't be of any help as it could only protect him against the mid-third Rank attack.

'My best fort is Mana.' Alex thought of an idea as he quickly canceled the darkness miasma field.

'I hope this works.' Alex thought as he used his Summon Elemental skill.

"Summon Elemental"

Alex used the summoning spell for the first time using 60K Mana which was ten times the amount of normal summoning while hoping to summon an elemental creature of peak third Rank because that was the only way he would have a chance against the death Knight.