Second Rank Promotion

'The pain was worth it.' Alex thought with a bright smile as he looked at his charter window.

'Let's see my bare stats without any equipment boost.' Alex thought and quickly unequipped his rings and the bracelet while his weapon and armor were already unequipped.


Player Name: Hidden One

Class: Dark BattleMage

Title: {Monkey Killer}{Indomitable Conqueror}{Legend}{Prehistorian}{Guest Noble} {Mana Loved}{Domain Ruler}{Valiant Warrior}{Battle Emperor}{Chosen By Death}

Legacy: Darkness Ruler

Physique: Dark Ancient Physique.

LVL: 100

Rank: First Rank


STR: 1190. (+410) AGI: 1070. (+340)

VIT: 3380. (+2690) STA: 1050. (+380)

INT: 4710. (+310)

HP: 33800/33800

MP: 47100/47100

Unassigned stat points : 0

Hidden stats

Luck: ???

Charm: 89/???

Reputation: 600_K.

Condition: Healthy

Equipment: -------
