Hidden Dungeon

'At least I will get a lot of experience from completing this quest.' Alex thought as he walked out of the Adventurer Guild building.

Alex accepted the quest the Alchemist Elder quest as there were no other quests that matched the knowledge from his previous life.

'I just hope that this is the right quest.' Alex thought as he quickly navigated his way toward the Alchemist guild branch.

Alex had no clue if the quest was correct or not, but he was willing to waste a few days, let alone a few hours, for the Beast Monarch legacy as it had too much importance and value to be left alone.

After walking for a few minutes, Alex reached a four-story building made from clear glass and colorful wood with tens of NPCs and players going in and out of it every second.

'Let's burn some money.' Alex thought as he silently walked through the crowded door of the Alchemist guild.