Legendary Boss

'How many more of these bastards are on this floor.' Alex thought as he took deep breaths to calm his ragged breathing.

The fourth floor was massive, at least ten times the size of the first floor, and was filled with creatures of the third Rank with hardly any lower Rank creatures.

Alex entered the fourth floor three hours ago, and without rest, he had been fighting unending horde after horde of infected monsters.

Alex was currently battling against four peak third Rank infected and close to twenty early to mid-third Rank creatures.

'I don't see any more infected coming, so I should be fine burning some mana.' Alex thought as he looked around while avoiding the constant barrage of miasmic acid bombs thrown at him.

'Minor Null Energy, ' Alex mumbled as he activated his best damage dealer skill.

After Alex used the skill, his dark sword was covered in a thin layer of purplish dark energy that looked calm and harmless.