Old Skill

"Your shield can handle a few small pebbles, but what about a real Boulder," Abe said with a smirk.

'This should be enough to push me to properly sync with my newfound strength or pummel me into the ground and possibly kill me.' Alex thought with a smile as he looked at the giant boulder forming before him.

Abe was summoning tens of boulders around him and throwing them in front of him into a transparent gravity globe.

The gravity globe was a skill that allowed the Boss to create a Gravity Globe with a radius of 10 ft, and it had 200G of gravity inside it on its own.

The skill was quite weak as it was easy to get away from the gravity globe range even with the high gravity, but the way Abe planned on using it made it quite dangerous.

All the small boulders thrown into the gravity globe were getting crushed and merging to create a bigger and stronger boulder while getting constantly condensed by the high gravity around it.