Training Plan

"Darion, are you certain that Sin Companions are wandering the Human Continent?" Varon Calmly asked.

"The Human Emperor fought three of the champion possessed by their contracted Demons, namely the (Greed, Envy, and Wrath), and I am almost certain he is telling the truth because they attacked him with skill unique to the Law of those three Sins."

"I just finished questioning the Emperor, gaining all the information he knew about the Duke of deadly sins and their champions, and everything points to the existence of the Sins of Duke being real," Darion said, holding a red crystal disk in his hand.

"If the Dukes of Sin are real, then it means Ahrimon had some version of the Mystic Law Art of Seven Sins, or in the worst case, he has the one which should be stored in the Sealed Chamber of Ruler Treasury," Varon said and went silent.