Gladiator City

"Aeon, Congratulations, you passed the trial and did it with excellent performance." Lady Telyssa said with a bright smile.

"What were the right requirements to pass the trial?" Alex questioned, knowing that the one minute in the nightmare illusion was completely false.

"The requirement to survive your nightmares for one minute was a lie, but not at the same time."

"You stayed in the illusion for six hours, and in that time, you would have experienced your worst fear."

"The time you stay in the illusion does not matter, but what determines your result is how you control your emotion after you wake up from the illusion of your nightmares."

"You needed to control your emotions in under one minute after waking up, and you did it in just 9 seconds, which is an outstanding achievement." Lady Telyssa said, looking way more excited than Alex.

'I need to get the Life pod technology.' Alex thought, taking his nightmare very seriously.