Game Start

'This explains why this game is graded at extreme danger.' Alex thought, checking the complete details of the game.


Name: Treasure Hunt

Goal: Collect the Diamond key.

Reward: 10+?? Gold Chests, 1 Diamond Chest + Player Exclusive Reward: 1.2 Million Galactic Shop Coins, Silver Grade Wish.


Game Information:

•- The Death Game will be held in the Lava creek valley Arena, and from the sixty participants, twenty random participants will be given a Golden key.

•- The Gold Keys will release a rich mana signal every thirty minutes that can be sensed in a kilometer radius by both the Gladiator and Wild creatures.

•- The Gold Keys could be combined, and A Gladiator needs to collect and combine ten of them to create the Diamond key and win the game.

•- All Gold keys are temporarily bound to their holder and can't be given at will, and the only way to take them is by killing the key holder.