Becoming Famous

"Virtheon, you are sure This kid is a Third Rank?" A cloaked figure asked the man in silver robes standing beside him.

"He doesn't have an ounce of elemental flame in his body, which makes me believe he is not in the Elementalist Rank, but his performance makes me question the truth," Virtheon answered, focusing on the floating translucent window before him.

Virtheon, the space magician, and an unknown cloaked man stood in the vail of pitch darkness looking at a translucent screen showing the ongoing battle between Alex and Hurobak.

"What did you find about this Adventurer that made you request my presence?" The cloaked figure asked.

"I started looking into his past after getting the orders from the Cult, and even though I didn't find much, what I did find could be amazing or just a disaster, depending on how things turn out."