Centaur Boss

Alex stood in a field of pitch darkness surrounded by sliced-up bodies of centaurs while six centaurs stood outside the miasma field with their eyes filled with horror and dread.

'It's about time he shows up.' Alex thought, looking at a towering centaur in the distance walking toward him.

The centaur stood twelve feet tall with a very muscular build, and his skin was cyan-green, and he held a thick chain with both ends having two giant double bladed axes as his weapon.

'The commander is strong, but the boss is a real monster.' Alex thought, looking at the status screen of the Boss monster.


{Grove Centaur}{Pure Blood}{Rare Epic}

Title: {Superior Species}{Nature loved}{Blessed by the Forest}

Name: Tajayo

LVL: 348

Rank: Fourth Rank (Low)

HP: 9.6_Million/9.6_Million...(See More).

MP: 1.4_Million/1.4_Million

Condition: {Healthy}

Skills: {Forest Fairy Blessing}{Partial Wood Manipulation}{Vampiric Vines}{Wood Serpent}{Berserk}{Wood Spike Wave}+6
