Royal Dryad

Alex watched as the once massive tree with a lush green crown started to wither rapidly, its rich green leaves turning close to black before dropping and crumbling to dust before even reaching the ground.

The once colorful thick iron-like bark started to shed like it was experiencing the worst summer season of its long life at an accelerated time.

It looked like the tree was being sapped out of its vast vitality from within, making its vibrant structure experience change for the worse with every passing moment.

'I don't see any magic circle, but seeing the condition of the tree, the Boss should get summoned in a few minutes at the longest.' Alex thought, seeing giant thick branches crumbling to the ground.

'Ruler Pride'

Alex used the skill to start his preparation, a bit annoyed by not knowing how long it would take before the world Boss got summoned, but he would rather waste a few points of intelligence than not be prepared for the Boss to appear and chop his head off.