
'Let's quickly give her the spear before I go unconscious,' Alex thought as his head rang with many notifications.


{Domain Mission: Test Of Might III Completed}

{Fourth Rank Entry Stage Boss Monsters Killed} (20/20)

{Time Taken: 28 Hours and 17 Minutes}

{50K_Ruler Coins} Gained

{Reward: Pending}


Alex didn't focus on the system notification as he knew he only had a few seconds before being forced to go unconscious like the previous two times.

"You have my gratitude for helping me win this battle, and this is a small gift as a token of goodwill," Alex said as he extended a unique dark spear toward Nyla.

The spear had a pitch-dark body with two separate long blades, one blade being a bit smaller than the other, and the spear had a crimson worm dragon with a realistic appearance and impeccable details with two heads coiling around its handle reaching up to the two blades.