Reaching The Mortal Limits

'This feeling of Rank promotion never gets old,' Alex thought, feeling his strength rapidly increase.


System Notification

{Congratulation Player Hidden One}

{Promotion to Third Rank Complete}

{All Base Stats Increased By 100%}


{Ruler Mission: Third Rank Promotion Complete}

{30K_Ruler Coins} Gained


The feeling of blood and mana rushing through his veins lasted for a few moments before vanishing, making Alex return to his senses as system notification rang in his ears.

'Now I just need to complete the four easy Ruler missions to complete the first Domain Connection mission and get that 4000 intelligence stat increase,' Alex thought, closing the system screen.

'I should check the Ruler Shop to see if anything of value has appeared as I now have close to a hundred thousand Ruler coins,' Alex thought as he opened his character window to check the new changes.