First Wave of Members

The player thanked Alex and his organization for giving them a second opportunity as they, one by one, left the training chamber, leaving behind Alex and the hundred and sixty-three players.

"My Organization's name is Shadow Oblivion, and as of now, very few individuals in the world know of its exitance, so if you are unwilling to join an unknown organization, you are welcome to leave right now."

Alex had registered his Organization with the system and had made everything private about it, even its name, which cost him two silver-grade system wishes to keep it private for a year, but it was worth it to him.

"This is the Contract that makes you a member of the Shadow Oblivion Organization, with your current Rank being a (Recruit) and your monthly salary being three times what a contracted player would receive according to his Rank," Alex said, sending a simple contract to every player.