Dwarven Capital

A man was sprinting through the forest filled with trees of colossal size, and like a shadow, he vanished after every step appearing hundreds of meters into the distance, getting closer to the colossal mountain peaks in the distance.

'This place is crawling with fourth Rank creatures,' Alex thought, stretching his mana sense to its limits while using the phantom walk to cover hundreds of meters with every step.

Alex was traveling toward the Atlas Mountain Range, and his destination was the border city of the Vortarum.

The Vortarum city was at the base of the Atlas Mountain Range, the longest-spanning range in the Domain, stretching for thousands of kilometers spanning three major clan territories.

The Atlas Mountain Range had the largest reserve of precious material mines, making it nothing short of a treasure trove, especially for the dwarfs, but it also housed an uncountable number of creatures ranging from the first Rank to the sixth Rank in abundance.