Failed Promotion

The battle arena, filled with hundreds of spectators, echoed with thundering cheers of the spectators for the two combatants engaged in a bloody battle in the arena before them.

Alex stood drenched in blood, some belonging to himself but the majority belonging to his opponent, while firmly griping his sword, ready to engage in the battle.

Alex's armor was covered with claw marks, some even deep enough to show his injured body oozing with blood, but he stood firm, looking toward his opponent, whose physical condition was much worse than his, as swords cuts littered his massive frame making him drenched in vibrant red.

Alex and Molgrird, the barbarian, started each other down while their injuries visibly healing with every passing moment while the spectators cheered at the top of their lungs, enjoying the thrilling strapdown after the last few minutes of the intense brawl.

'Things went better than I expected,' Alex thought as he reenvisioned the last few minutes of the battle.