Illusion Labyrinth

Alex, with every other participant, got teleported to a random place in the massive illusion labyrinth with his mana and strength completely sealed, which didn't change much for him as he was already experiencing 80% de-buff.

The inside of the Illusion Labyrinth was vast and dimly lit, with walls that reached attached to the hundreds of feet high ceiling and carious opening every few meters leading to a new twisted passage.

The air was filled with an eerie silence, and feeling One's strength getting sapped from their body and inability to utilize Mana, any individual will feel afraid with no means of defense.

The labyrinth was designed to create a harrowing atmosphere to test participant's minds, pushing the limits of their resilience and mental fortitude, and with no reliance on magic or physical prowess, it was their wits, instincts, and sheer determination that would guide them through the treacherous maze of illusions.