Newts Habitat

After killing tens of poisonous Lizards, Alex collected their poisonous glands and a small amount of dark crystal from their stomachs before continuing to descend deeper into the mine.

As Alex ventured deeper, his surroundings changed drastically, with the air growing heavier, charged with a faint tinge of poison mana, while the temperature steadily rose.

The glittering veins of Sylvanite Ore were now intermingled with other types of ores, with some areas having chunks of golden-hued Aurium sticking out from the walls casting an otherworldly glow in the pitch-dark passageways.

As he explored further, he encountered various new creatures in the dark depths, the toughest of them being the Corrosion Spiders, Obsidian Beetles, and Dark Serpents.

Corrosion Spiders had weak bodies but were still deadly in the pitch darkness of the mines as those silent spiders used deadly poison-laced webs that were hard to cut through because of their incredible elasticity and durability.