Underground City Ruins

The Dreadmire Desert was similar to the endless forest stretching far and wide for hundreds of kilometers, filled with creatures of various Ranks and areas of unique nature filled with opportunities and unknown dangers.

Alex was making his way toward one such unique location (Eclipse Dunes), a place that was cloaked in pitch-dark clouds for centuries, not having seen a speak of sunlight while hardly any useful public information was available about its terrains and the creatures that dwell in it.

The Dreadmire Desert was not a nice place as its golden sand reflected the sunlight like a mirror, creating relentless scorching heat, and sandstorms ravaged the place and got stronger and more frequent the deeper one went.

Deadly creatures lurked hidden deep in the shifting sand or in plain sight, making every step a potential risk to one's life.

Alex had only traveled around the edges of the desert in his previous life, so venturing deeper was a new experience, and it was not pleasant.