The Battle Begins

The grand army's advance created an imposing sight of an unyielding tide of steel and magic marching forward to confront the malevolent forces of the demons.

As the soldiers neared the portals, the ground beneath them trembled, and the cacophony of demonic chants and roars swelled, saturating the air with a menacing aura that intensified the already eerie and somber atmosphere.

The human ground forces orchestrated their ranks, forging cohesive legions, each endowed with a distinct purpose; shields ascended, spears poised, and swords unsheathed in synchronized harmony.

The formation showed the unity of the diverse legions, standing shoulder to shoulder, ready to die for their cause but more so to slaughter the demonic army.

The archers stood at the ready, bows drawn, prepared to unleash arrows upon their foes, awaiting the command to let them loose, while the mages prepared to unleash the best of their long-range spells.