Old Acquaintances

'The quality and quantity of the items have increased greatly, but so have their price,' Alex thought as he scrolled through the Ruler shop.

After killing hundreds of demons, Alex had completed the first Ruler's Authority promotion mission promoting his Athourity to the first Rank while also completing the second and third mission objectives.

The second and third Ruler's Authority missions' rewards were pending even with their objective of killing demons completed because to further promote his Ruler's Authority, Alex first needed to promote his Domain Connection.

Alex initially felt scammed because he was looking forward to the unknown reward of the third Ruler's Authority mission, but as he could do nothing about it, he quickly moved on.

'Now that I have plenty of Ruler coins, I should quickly make a deal with guilds to milk them of benefits while they work to solve the problems of Malefis Domain,' Alex thought, looking at his coin balance that number closer to 1.14 million.