Working on Mana Veins

Alex picked a variety of potions that were the enhanced versions of what was available in the market, namely the enhanced mana, stamina, and health potions.

Aegis Draught for elemental resistance, Ethereal Sight Tonic to see through illusions and dark, Guardian's Strength for defense boost, and a dozen more such potions for various situations.

Alex decided to buy all these potions in great quantity while having also picked every one of these potion recipes to make his organization self-sufficient.

Alex also picked the potions and recipes of various rarer potions, namely the Elemental Enrichment Elixir, which temporarily boosted the ability to wield mana.

Titan's Endurance Elixir, which raised defense, Draught of Mental Focus, which sharpened mental acuity and focus; and Rageforge Elixir, which boosted physical strength by making the user experience intense rage.