Might of an Elemental Ruler

After the appearance of the elven lady, moments passed before the entire city was swiftly cloaked in a white energy dome, its ethereal glow casting a surreal ambiance.

Before anyone could even get comfortable with the change, hundreds of demons started to fall like flies, their malevolent eyes fading into lifeless voids, marking their swift demise.

No human felt even the slightest discomfort while demons, no matter their strength, were falling to the ground out cold while the still transforming demon gargoyle stood alive with eyes filled with rage and fear.

The gargoyle pounced toward the elven lady but got frozen in place inches away from her, and her emerald eyes shimmered like gems as she examined the struggling demon.

The elven lady spoke, but no voice was heard, and in response to her, the demon opened his mouth wide before unleashing a torrent of decayed darkness, but it disintegrated into elemental energy before even reaching her.