A Dream

'Why is everything so Dark?' Alex thought, disoriented, and as he tried to open his eyes, they remained shut.

After multiple failed attempts, panic set in as he attempted to move his hands, only to discover that he couldn't feel them, and with that, he also realized he couldn't feel any part of his body.

Alex even failed to control his mana, making him realize that he had no control over his body, and the only thing he had was his consciousness and the ability to think clearly.


'Galatic System'

After not getting any response, Alex felt even more panic as the very first thing that came to his mind was that he was somehow in a coma.

'Stay Calm' 'Stay Calm'

'This is definitely not a dream as I can think very clearly and remember everything of my life, or at least I assume I do,'

'The last thing I remember is eating the evolution fruit, and now I am in a place of darkness and can't do anything but think,'