Buying New Equipments

Over the next two hours, Alex underwent additional tests, allowing Lady Elmara to collect the data she wanted while he had gained a good idea of the various changes he had undergone. 

So, without further delay, he promptly logged out and exited the ancient world, knowing his family would be worried sick by this point.

Alex had no idea how long the evolution process would take, but he had come prepared. He had informed his mother and father that over the course of the next ten days, there were some very important matters he needed to attend to, so he wouldn't be logging out from the game.

It was the middle of the night when Alex exited his VR capsule, so after taking a shower, he visited the game forums to catch up on what had transpired in the last one and a half weeks.

As Alex had expected, the demons had attacked twice in the last nine days and successfully destroyed four big and nine smaller cities, slaughtering millions of citizens.