Walking Into The Trap

Alex, Omori, and his team gathered at the edge of a wide blue lake with crystal clear water shimmering with an unsettling iridescence under the shadow of the looming dark dome.

The waters carried an eerie quality, and the surrounding towering trees that formed a silent canopy overhead only deepened the sense of foreboding that hung heavily in the air.

"Aeon, are you ready?" Omori turned to Alex and said with a solemn tone, and received a head nod, he continued.

Omori swiftly retrieved three vials, each containing a potion with a different shimmering hue, and started, introducing them one by one.

"All these potions are best of best available to me with my connections, and this one is  'Aqua Lung. ' It grants you the ability to breathe underwater for six hours."