Champion of Greed

After watching the thousands of demons pour into the portal and vanish to someplace unknown, Alex spent a few minutes overserving the preparations made by a demon to defend against attacks before he decided to leave the place. 

Alex navigated the complex maze of tunnels, his footsteps retracing familiar paths, but all he had on his mind now was the strange way Omori and his team acted when there was no trap in the hideout.

Alex found no trouble as he retraced his steps, using the narrow passage to reach the lake, and like before, he swam upstream instead of using the ground to travel fast because he knew it was littered with traps.

It didn't take long before Alex reached the place where he expected to find Omori and his team. However, as he emerged from the water and scanned the area, there were no signs of them, and before he could search for them or leave the area, he heard footsteps.