

'Now let's just hope he can dispel my doubts,' Alex thought as he found himself in a warmly lit tavern.

The tavern was a well-spaced room, bathed in a warm, yellowish light that created a cozy atmosphere, and multiple wooden chairs with red velvety seats were neatly placed before a large wooden counter.

A handsome man dressed in typical black and white bartender attire stood behind the counter, polishing a glass, and behind him was an enticing array of vintage beverages standing proudly displayed on the wooden rack.

"Alex, Would you care to enjoy a drink? I have the finest you'll savor in quite a while." Zero said as Alex sat down.

"Thanks for offering, but no," Alex replied.

"I know you have many questions for me, but I am sorry to disappoint you. All I can tell you is that if you want the answers, you'll need to reach the Fourth Rank in the real world,"