Broken Law

After Elder Ezekiel took the oath, any lingering doubts about the validity of his words disappeared, and with everything he learned, there was nothing much of importance that Alex could ask.

Alex did realize that Ahrimon could have easily predicted this outcome, so for him to go to such lengths just to make him doubtful and cautious didn't make much sense.

Nevertheless, Alex also recognized that the elders and guardians would have also noticed this dynamic, and as they hadn't broached the subject, and everything was fine on his side, he didn't feel inclined to raise the question.

So, thanking the elder for his guidance, Alex left with Varon and others, with a big weight lifted from his mind, not having a clue that things went exactly as Ahrimon wanted.

While the guardians knew that things were not as simple as they appeared, they kept their silence as they were told to do so.