Pyro Sanctus Sentinel Legacy

Alex knew the location of the legacy tomb from memory, and as he had also spent some time in these ant tunnels, he was well aware of the deeper areas where the ant queens resided. 

So, navigating through the tunnels and picking the least dangerous paths was easy for him, and other than encountering a few groups led by early fifth Rank ants, which Alex took care of without any trouble, the whole journey was smooth.

As they continued navigating through the dark, damp tunnels, the unsettling echoes of scurrying ants surrounded them. Saahira couldn't help but be amazed by Alex's strength and composure. 

Whenever she thought they might be in trouble or faced with a life-threatening situation, Alex handled it easily, never appearing to be struggling.

'Saahira POV'

'I initially assumed him to be a magician and one of the best I have seen, but seeing him use his sword makes his magic appear almost childlike.'