Shocking Everyone

Alex briefly told Venedikt about the connections he had built with various big guilds in the name of his organization, and after learning about them, to say he was shocked would be an understatement.

Alex then told Venedikt about his plan to sell the domain entry token and the price he planned to get from the guilds and also told him that it would be him who would oversee the dealing with them.

Alex planned not to sell domain tokens for a price and be done with it but instead use them to make a deal with every guild to give his organization a fixed percentage of what they would earn from the Malefis Domain for perpetuity.

Alex wouldn't demand exactly a percentage of what the guild would be making as a vast amount of gold or other resources wouldn't be of any use to him, and he also doesn't plan to give them the option to pay their debt in gold or other resources of equivalent value.