Battle Ends

In terms of speed, the dark elf surpassed him, but their strength was on a similar level, and with Alex's ability to manipulate the surrounding darkness, he had an edge in battle.

The dark elf was an assassin, with her strongest suit being her refined senses, her ability to remove her presence, and her agility, but they were of little help in a situation where she was facing a constant barrage of physical and magical attacks.

It took her moments to notice that her attacks were not working, and as she tried to create distance, Alex got the opportunity he wanted.

As she stepped back, using a similar technique that was a mix of the skywalk and phantom step, Alex instantly released the energy on his wings into a chaotic burst that resulted in mutual damage.

But the chaotic wave also stopped the lady from stepping back, leaving her vulnerable for just an instant, and she recovered quickly by sending two slashes forward as she regained her footing.