Deal Done

After Venedikt made the stand of the organization clear, the factions offered what they could, first increasing the time frame to five years.

The amount of money they would offer every year after the domain was made public was increased to 1.5 trillion, with 30% of it in assets of the ancient world.

Venedikt made it clear once again that the deal period would not change, nor were they interested in real-world assets or even becoming a shareholder in their guild, nor did they want any year-to-year payment plan.

In a last-ditch effort, they offered to extend the period to ten years, with each year's percentage of their earning they would share being 10% flat.

They even offered to sign an unconditional contract to help the organization in any situation in both worlds, even if they needed to face losses or backlash.

They promised support from Italy, America, Russia, and other countries' governments.