Hidden Space

After the Voidshifter entered the void, Alex started using his eyes of the ancient to see any disturbance in space to pinpoint the exit so he could catch the creature in his state in between intangibility and physical.

As the space isolation barrier was in place, the Voidshifter couldn't escape even if he wanted, so Alex waited for the creature to exist, with his sword pulsing with sword intent and the dense veil of chaotic mana, as he scanned his surroundings with vigilance.

The Voidshifter exited the void with his jaw wide open as his intangible body became physical, with him aiming to chomp down Alex's head.

At the same time, his arms were a blur, moving like phantoms on his left and right, and seeing it, Alex knew that a mental attack was coming to make him freeze in place so the creature could remove the individual he saw as a threat.