
Lady Elmara tested the barrier with her own ways and failed to gain any information, so she spent the following few minutes asking questions to Aqua, as just like Alex, she also believed that the young girl was an old monster.

Aqua took the law oath to only tell the truth to them, which Lady Elmara confirmed was active, removing the possibility of her tricking them, and if she was still able to trick an individual who stood at the pinnacle of strength, then they could do nothing about it.

Aqua told them that she couldn't remember anything beyond a year ago besides having a singular goal to return home, and when asked about her home, she refrained from answering even at the promise of mythical quality magical treasure, which seemed to be her only desire.

So besides her history of one year, Aqua knew nothing, nor could she control her ability to be protected, besides just knowing that it would activate automatically when she was even in the slightest of danger.