
'What? I can't feel my arms,' Alex thought, his senses screaming at him to move his head, which he instinctively did as he spread his void sense with the crumbling focus to see what was happening.

Alex's mind was a complete mess, with no more than ten seconds remaining before he would reach his limits and would either stop the growing insanity or yield to it.

Alex had stopped using his void or mana sense right after using the domain skill because saving even a bit of focus helped suppress the constantly growing chaos of thoughts.

So when he used it just for a moment as he headed down, he was shown or, more accurately, enraged to see the headless corpse of the Rutharok king behind him, ready to bring down his hand-like blade and slice his head off.

In his hastiness to end the battle, Alex single-mindedly focussed on the corpse dragon, forgetting that his opponent's true strength was using the death element to reanimate hordes and hordes of minions.