Sky City

Alex was teleported into a closed space, with a clear view of the island below, with a ten-minute timer running in the corner of their eyes, reminding him of the time he had to get comfortable with his new team before they were sent to their chosen city.

Lady Rosalba was the first to arrive, her light emerald hair framing her beauty as she greeted him with a warm smile, and Alex returned the gesture in kind, knowing that among the four teammates, she was the only one he could trust not to stab him in the back.

The next one to arrive was Gregnor of the Celestial Vanguard Guild, a mountain of a man standing at 6.7ft, a monk by nature in real life and even in the ancient world.

Gregnor was a fat monk with a round, jovial face framed by a shaven head adorned in golden robes that hung loosely over his ample frame, with his eyes twinkling with warmth and wisdom as he greeted Alex and Lady Rosalba.