
(Three Hours Before Halagax Informed Alex and the Team of the Quest) 

'What is the deal with this bastard,' Halagax thought as he looked at the man before him.

"My name is Klaed, and I mean you no harm," The man said, taking his hands out of his pocket to calm the tense situation.

"What do you want?" Halagax questioned, killing intent pulsing from his cold eyes, with his curved daggers ready to defend, as he could sense the man was a threat.

"Your unique shapeshifting ability is perfect for what I require for a particular task, so I need your help, for which I will pay you very handsomely," Klaed said, a smile spreading on his face as he sensed the diminishing killing intent.

"I am listening," Halagax said, knowing he most likely had stumbled on a quest.

"I want you to get prisoned in the Dungeon on the Main Island, reach the Fifth underground floor, and after escaping the cell, shapeshift yourself into a woman,"