Wrong Choice?

Alex faced some guards, but he made short work of them, and in less than two minutes, he was inside the treasury. 

Alex knew that time was of the essence, so he didn't even consider using his eyes or the Red gem to check hundreds of individual items, knowing there would be a few measures in place to keep the core hidden.

Alex spent a million on the highest grade of 'information extractor' service to eliminate the possibility of failure, and in less than two minutes, he located the core.

However, the troubles did not end there because the core was not in a condition to be used by anyone but a single man in the entire city, and currently, he was busy defending the city from a monster who was killing humans and beasts alike and raising them as his undead puppets.

'You must be kidding me,' Alex thought as he looked at the description of the fist-size gray star in his hands.


Name: Astral Blessing

Equipment: Energy Core