Last Stand

"Summoner, Do you have some life left to end what you started?" Alex heard a familiar voice, loud and clear, not drowning under the growing noise of space being torn apart.

Amidst the deafening cacophony of space tearing apart, a symphony of screeches and shattering glass that would shatter the mind of ordinary humans, Alex heard Vorinax's voice, and following that, he also caught the guttural screams of agony from Daenal.

Alex felt the grip around his neck loosen and the confinement keeping him frozen in place, so he opened his eyes and was welcomed with the unbelievable sight of Daenal's proud face twisted out of shape, showing the agony he was going through.

But what surprised Alex was a massive tear ripping through the domain, as the once vast expanse of murky gray and darkness was now crumbling, revealing the chaos of the outside battlefield, but his surprise didn't end with that.