Team Work

The swamp biome the team was teleported to was a realm of eerie beauty and haunting decay, with deep, murky waters stretching as far as the eye can see, their depths obscured by a thick layer of algae that clings to the surface like a sinister shroud.

Green and grey poisonous mists drift through the air, obscuring visibility and filling the lungs with a toxic blend of decay and nausea.

Rising from the swamp's depths were towering trees with massive trunks, their twisted roots plunging into the murky waters below, with the canopy above densely braly letting the light through, casting the forest floor into twisting shadows and an eerie gloom.

Alex and the team could be seen following the lead of a small creature that had thin dark fur and vibrant white and yellow eyes.

"Hey te, you sure this is the laire of the swamp wyrm," Andrei asked, the small Mire raccoon walking who was in the lead.