Battle of Wits

Alex was up against close to thirty players, so to thin down their number, he didn't hold back on using his skills and began spamming them one after another.

Alex began by using Reaper's Leeches, making small spectral insects appear on the backs of twenty unlucky players in the vicinity, making them lose both health and mana. 

The spectral leeches were ticking time bombs that were not physical in nature, so the players could do little to remove them.

Alex followed with the Abyssal Lightning Storm, doing so right among the groups of players affected by the spectral leeches, and then used the Nullfire Meteor Shower to rain down massive spheres of dark indigo flames on another group.

After the chaos of elemental skills subsided, Alex used the hex of corruption of the Malevolent Revitalization skill to mark ten new players not affected by leeches, making them constantly lose their health.