End of the Event

'So I died my first death in this new life and was out for twenty minutes, meaning the event should have ended,' Alex thought as he regained his senses and was greeted with the sight of his team.

"Brother, we won," Andrei said, and at the same time, Alex was greeted with a congratulatory notification from the system, followed by a long list of notifications, making him squint his eyes in annoyance.

"Brother, you should take a moment to gather your thoughts," Venedikt said as he tapped Andrei on his arm.

The team was present in the transparent space chamber above the mythical island, everyone carrying a look of concern because they had seen what Alex had gone through to pull off the victory.

"I am fine, so don't wear these gloomy faces when we should be celebrating our victory," Alex said to ease the build-up tension before he opened the live stream that was now available to him.