Ahrimon's Desire

"My King, the plan is impeccable, and as you said, unless a Domain Guardian intervenes, the plan should be successful,"

"Because even a Monarch would not be able to sense the life-siphoning array if they don't intently look for it, and even then, it would take them some time to sense it, given that it's concealed by my Law of Envy."

"But, now you are suggesting that I will fail?" A man kneeling under the moonlight said, his voice calm yet assertive.

"Leviathan, I am not saying you will fail. I am telling you that your mission has changed," The figure on the dark throne spoke, and after a short pause, he continued.

"Your mission requires you to use the essence conduit crystals to create a life-siphoning array on the human continent, which would be fueled by the dying creatures inside its radius,"