Demon King VS Chaos Queen

'Sparcles, I will need three hundred and sixty seconds to complete the branding process for all six,' Sophia said, her eyes fixed on the system screen displaying a sixty-second countdown.

"I am not your enemy. Allow me to collect my comrades, and I will leave without lifting a finger against any of you," Sophia said, her gaze meeting the human standing in the distance with a calm expression.

The man stood over two meters tall, resembling a noble knight from fairy tales, with eyes that shone like two white stars and silver hair cascading to his shoulder blades. 

He was clad in a suit of silver armor, the chest plate emblazoned with a feathery wing motif and shoulder pads reminiscent of roaring lions. 

A white cape hung gracefully from his shoulders, and in his hands, he held two silver longswords, while an aura of radiant light radiated from him, pushing back the encroaching darkness several feet away.