Emergency Quest

In a grand chamber lit with cyan blue light, with many areas cloaked in darkness because of the large crystal pods placed on the ground and hanging from the ceiling, a figure dressed in a white coat could be seen standing before a stone bed.

A massive humanoid figure lay atop the dark stone bed, stretching at least three meters in length, its muscular physique appearing to be made of dark fibers, with seemingly no skin covering his bare flesh.

Its face was humanoid yet alien in nature. It had a broad, flat head and three sets of eyes, all placed at different angles. There were no signs of a nose, and at its mouth, there was just a circular hole lined with rows upon rows of sharp, fleshy teeth.

Its body was cut open from the center, multiple tools stuck inside its abdomen, and the female in a white coat by its side could be seen using them to sort through the inside of the strange creature.