
"I knew he was the evil big boss," Sophie said, as she slammed her fist into her open palm, her deep archaic voice not matching her actions.

"Auntie, you don't need to worry. I am a good person, and I will not work with that Demon King, no matter what he offers," Sophie said, her eyes meeting the ethereal beauty standing before her.

Lady Margaret could only stare blankly at the winged entity, her mind swirling with bewilderment and disbelief at the strangeness of the situation.

She was still worried sick about the whereabouts of Alex, but because the matter related to the Chaos Queen could not be delayed, she was forced to rush to the ruined capital at the orders of Varon.

She had arrived expecting to meet a fake or a terrible creature, but to her absolute surprise, she met with an innocent child, who described her age as ten, answered all her questions, and believed her words at face value.